Kardex Remstar isone of the world’s leading manufacturers of automated storage and retrievalsystems. In Germany Kardex Remstar has two production sites and employs around1,200 employees in more than 30 countries. To date, the company hassuccessfully installed around 140,000 dynamic storage systems across the globe.
Wide product range
The company’sproduct range includes dynamic storage lifts and vertical carousels, efficientorder picking software and operating technology, and life cycle services for abroad range of applications. Designing customized storage systems helps customersto significantly improve the efficiency of their intralogistics processes.
卡迪斯的产品种类涵盖了动态升降式仓储系统、 垂直回转式仓储系统、高效订单分拣软件和操作技术以及提供全球范围产品生命周期管理服务的应用。客户个性化设计的仓储系统帮助客户大幅提升他们的内部物流效率。
Storage systemsfor many different sectors
Kardex Remstar’sdynamic solutions are used by customers from a broad range of industries, suchas automotive, electronics, chemical, retail, mechanical engineering, andhealth care.
Software solutionsand service
In addition toinnovative storage units, Kardex Remstar supplies a range of precisely tailoredsoftware systems for efficiently controlling and managing the logisticsprocesses, ensuring that Kardex Remstar customers receive comprehensive servicefrom one single source.