内部物流的未来发展趋势 Intralogistics trends of the future 您准备好迎接以下挑战了吗: What you need to be prepared for: 产品种类大幅增加:成品、元件、零备件 Strongly growing range of products: Finished goods, components, spare parts 企业内部对物资高效仓储、检索和配送的要求 Efficient storage, retrieval, and distribution of goods within companies 技术发展不断加速,对物流的个性化要求逐步提高 Accelerated technical progress and increasing individualization of logistic processes 24 小时全天候服务是在生产和零备件领域逐渐增强的电子商务和服务理念完善的结果 24-hour service due to increasinge-commerce and enhanced service concepts in the area of production and spare parts 流程日益复杂,原因在于: – 产品种类不断增加 – 批量规格越来越小 – 对工作场所的安全性和人机工学的要求 Growing process complexity due to: – Wider product ranges – Increasingly smaller batch sizes – Safety and ergonomics in the work place 卡迪斯为满足未来市场对内部物流的需求,开发出全新种类的产品——垂直缓冲式仓储系统。 Kardex Remstar has developed the new Vertical Buffer Module product category for future intralogistics market requirements. 基本要素: –一个或多个拣货站或操作开口 –微量载重储物盒、托盘及其他负载装备 –带轨道的货架系统 –自动搬运系统 –物流及分拣软件 卡迪斯推出的LR 35 型设备是该系列首例产品。 The most essential elements: – One or more picking stations or access openings – Mini-load bins, trays, and other loading equipment – A shelf system with an aisle – An automatic handling system – Logistics and picking software Kardex Remstar is introducing the LR 35 as the first product in this series. 卡迪斯新品LR35的优势一览 The advantages of the new Kardex Remstar LR35 订单分拣更高效 –分拣时只需打开单一储物盒,因此可几乎完全避免分拣错误 –借助分拣指示灯技术,使得订单分拣过程更准确,简便和快捷 –无需再搜寻仓储位置,分拣流程已得到优化 –自动补货系统可降低人力消耗,节约成本 More efficient order picking – Practically no picking errors thanks to controlled access to one single bin – Precise, simple, and fast order picking using pick-to-light systems – There is no longer a need to search for a storage location and the picking process is optimized – Fewer employees needed and money saved due to automatic replenishment 实现高能效能设计特点 –应用新技术和革新设计特点,设备能耗仅为同类系统的三分之一 –无需能源回收 Energy efficiency by design – Consumes a third of the energy of comparable systems by using the latest technology and innovative design features – No energy recovery necessary 高速存取 –运送路径短,通过一个操作开口,即可存取全部货物 –分拣速度极高,不受任何设备尺寸限制 Lightning-quick access – Short travel times thanks to access to the entire storage area via one access opening – Very fast picking speed with any unit size 灵活安排库存 –随意组合!轻松地混合使用托盘和物料盒 –少即是多,货物种类多,仓储能力大,同时,配合高速存取,单位货物占用空间小 Flexible arranging of stock – A mix is possible! Trays and bins can be easily mixed – More with less--Wide range of items and high storage capacity coupled with fast access times and small storage volume per item 便捷舒适分拣 –多种不同拣货站设计符合人机工学要求 Comfortable picking – Ergonomic working conditions provided by different picking stations 易于集成 –卡迪斯LR 35 的模块化结构和可扩展性使其完美地满足各种流程和仓库规格的要求 效果:项目规划时间短,传送速度快 Simple integration – Thanks to its modularity and scalability the Kardex Remstar LR 35 can be perfectly adapted to processes and building dimensions The result: Fast project management and delivery times Kardex Remstar LR 35 的实际应用 The Kardex Remstar LR 35 in use 套件组合 Kit assembly 卡迪斯 LR 35 具备极高的分拣能力,可尤为高效地仓储与缓冲各种尺寸的货物。 可为智能组装的装配套件创造理想的仓储条件。 The Kardex Remstar LR 35 is capable of achieving exceptionally high picking performance and can store and buffer goods of different sizes particularly efficiently. It provides ideal conditions for intelligently putting together assembly kits from various components. 组装补给区域 Supplying assembly areas 在装配之前,预拣订单的物料盒订单将临时存放在缓冲区。以便于订单能够及时被检索,以供应元件的持续装配。这种方式能够有效地避免分拣错误并且确保所需组件的不间断供应。 通过搭配传送技术,为您的理想物流创造优势条件。 Pre-picked order bins are placed in an intermediate buffer before assembly, so that orders can be retrieved just in time for continuous component assembly. This prevents incorrectly picked orders and ensures that the right components are always supplied. In combination with your conveyor technology you can create ideal conditions for optimal material flow. 低周转率货物(Slow-Mover)管理 Slow-Mover Management Kardex Remstar LR 35 “货物到人” 的设计原则和高度的分拣性能,使其尤为适用于低周转率货物。 这样,便可依次小批量提取多种不同尺寸的货物。 The goods-to-person principle and high picking performance make the Kardex Remstar LR 35 particularly suitable for goods with low turnaround. This makes it possible to pick numerous articles of various sizes in small amounts consecutively. 设备组件——操作开口和拣货站 Unit components – Access openings and picking stations 根据您的需要选择合适的操作开口。单台设备可配置多达四个操作开口并且可以与其他设备并列连接。 Select the most suitable access opening for your requirements. Up to four access openings can be fitted on each unit and combined with one another 拣货站 Picking station 旋转台是拣货站的核心部件,其20°的倾角设计尤为符合人机工学要求,并且易于操作。操作人员在执行当前订单分拣时,下一个物料盒或托盘便已开始后台准备,并在旋转台的后方托架上就位。操作人员一旦完成当前订单的分拣,旋转台即会旋转180°,下一个物料盒亦即为分拣准备就绪。 The turntable is the key element of the picking station. Tilted at a 20° angle, it is particularly ergonomic and thus easy to operate. While the operator is picking the order the next bin or tray is being prepared in the background and placed on the rear shelf of the turntable. As soon as the operator has finished picking one order the turntable rotates by 180° and the next bin is ready for picking. 人工操作开口 Manual access opening 人工操作的操作开口是控制装有高级工具和设备单个储物盒分拣,并且与用户管理系统相连接的理想解决方案。 The manual access opening is ideal for controlled access to individual bins, containing valuable tools and equipment, in conjunction with user administration. 传送系统连接 Conveyor connection 卡迪斯LR 35 能够毫无困难地同现有传送带进行连接,既可与人工取放储物盒或托盘的传送系统相连,也可连接自动传送带,集成进入现有物流程序。 传送系统连接位置可设在前面、背面或正面。传送连接的功能是运送或从外部传送系统传输或送回位于卡迪斯 LR 35 系统中的仓储位置的物料盒或托盘。 传送系统连接的设计用于满足持续补充和检索所有物料盒要求。 自动补给系统可有效降低人工成本。 The Kardex Remstar LR 35 can easily be connected to existing conveyor technology, either for manual storage and retrieval of bins and trays or for automatic operation and transfer to the existing material flow. The connection can be fitted on the front, rear or face side of the unit. The conveyor connection serves to transfer or return the bin/tray to the storage position in the Kardex Remstar LR 35 shelf system when transporting to or from an external conveyor system. The conveyor connection has been designed for permanent filling and retrieval of entire bins. Automatic replenishment saves staff costs. 流程一体化 One piece flow 与Servus ARC 系统相连,可完美实现从进货、仓储、生产到发货整条流程的一体化控制。 The connection of Servus ARC incorporates incoming goods, storage, production, and outgoing goods into one optimal flow process. 应用范例: 1. 内部运输 只需一套系统,便可高度灵活地连接至所有区域。 2. 装配 穿梭小车系统提供包含所有相关数据的人工操作和自动化工作站。 3. 订单分拣 无论是“货物到人”还是“人到货物”,还是顺序处理或同步操作,穿梭小车系统都能够在仓储位置和使用地点之间往返运送。 4. 仓储 该系统为仓储和订单分拣开辟了全新途径,使得自动化、循环化的内部物流系统成为可能。 Typical uses: 1. Internal transport Maximum flexibility with one single system for all areas 2. Assembly The shuttle system supplies both manual and automatic work stations including all the associated data. 3. Order picking Whether goods-to-person or person-to goods,whether processing orders one after the other or in parallel, the shuttle system brings the material from the storage location and takes it back again afterwards. 4. Storage The system creates new possibilities for storage and order picking. An automatic, cycle-dependent, internal flow of goods is possible. 操作——更快速,更灵活,更方便 Operation – More performance, more flexibility,more convenience 设备软件 Unit software 卡迪斯 LR 35 采用先进的操作系统,配备全新的软件结构和触摸屏幕。 高清触摸屏功能强大,可有效提高操作速度,而高效灵活的硬件配置则能够确保设备的高速运转。 基于网络的软件运行能够兼容多种硬件配置,全新设计并强化的功能可为用户创造真正的增值效应。 The Kardex Remstar LR 35 features a modern operating concept with new software architecture and touch display. Faster handling is possible thanks to the capacitive high-resolution touch screen. The efficient and flexible hardware guarantees fast performance. The software is Web-based and can thus beused with a wide range of hardware. New and enhanced functions give users real added value.